Middle school students - make sure to return your USB drive with your homework today. I need to reuse it to send your next lesson home. Videos will also be posted on google classroom in the future. Thanks!
almost 4 years ago, Hannah Cutts
We are loving our new app! Access sports scores, cafeteria menus, news updates, and even emergency notifications. Download the app on Android: https://bit.ly/38v7BS3 or iPhone: https://apple.co/3etyVBf.
almost 4 years ago, Jon Wood
Everything Jewell
The Natal Grange is hosting their next food bank tomorrow, 12/09, from 1-4. April Kane will be there and she will be happy to assist you if you are in need.
almost 4 years ago, Mark Freeman
Good morning, Jewell! Happy December 8th to you all. Yesterday the OSAA released a highly anticipated update related to the 2020-2021 OSAA calendar year. Due to the ongoing public health situation, they have extended the current season one workout and conditioning window up to February 21st. Season two will run from February 22nd through April 4th and will offer the traditional fall sports. Due to additional safety concerns and protocols, high school football will be allowed to begin practice on February 8th. Season three will be our track and field season and will last from April 5th through May 16th. Season four will offer basketball and will run from May 10th through June 20th. All game schedules are being redone. All OSAA culminating week activities are yet to be defined. An updated season one team workout schedule will be released no later than December 30th. I have a CASCO meeting today, an OSAA meeting tomorrow, and a Columbia-Pacific meeting on the 14th and will keep you all updated as quickly and as best I can. I apologize for these continuing changes and appreciate your flexibility and support. And one day we really will all be able to again yell GO JAYS!
almost 4 years ago, Mark Freeman
Be on the lookout as Gingerbread Houses will soon be 'for sale'! All 3rd - 5th-grade writing students have created their own unique gingerbread house, and are writing an opinion paper about why their gingerbread house is the best one to buy. This may all be for fun, but be assured, after reading their work you will be convinced that candy cane staircases, cookie kitchens, and gumdrop rooftops are irresistible.
almost 4 years ago, Jennifer Moloney
Congratulation to the Jewell 6th grade ELA classes. You have completed successfully your first quarter as middle school students. GO BLUE JAYS!!!
almost 4 years ago, George Ray
Hi Preschool Parents, Wanted to let you all know that Preschool's Pajama Day and our classroom holiday party will on December 16th and 17th. Stay tuned for pictures!
almost 4 years ago, Jessica Miller
Jays - I just wanted to remind you that you have a Google Meet invitation in your email for Monday/Wednesday from 2pm to 3pm and Tuesday/Thursday from 9:30-10:30. This is for homework help, answering questions and math tutoring. I hope to see you there! Mr. Bloker
almost 4 years ago, Ron Bloker
6th grade science built models of chemical reactions. Mass is conserved in a chemical reaction.
almost 4 years ago, Hannah Cutts
Reaction of nitrogen and hydrogen to produce ammonia
6 Tips For Holiday Self-Care The holidays can be both wonderful and magical and at the same time can bring about stress, disappointment and remembering those who have passed on. It is truly important to take the time for SELF-CARE. Here are a few strategies to support your mental health. https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/women-s-mental-health-matters/201512/6-tips-holiday-self-care
almost 4 years ago, Renee Meier
High School English classes--congratulations on a fun, strong first quarter. Keep up the good work and continue reading your AR books. A busy two weeks ahead; stay focused. See you soon!
almost 4 years ago, Parker Hill
Middle School and High School Basketball Mini-Seasons are happening now! Monday-Thursday 3:30-5:00 -Coach Brown
almost 4 years ago, Kai Brown
Kindergarten, Live, Love, Learn!
almost 4 years ago, Kindergarten
Just a reminder that homework is due for math, reading, and writing with 3rd, 4th, and 5th graders Monday and Tuesday! If you need help with the math, make sure you check the parent handouts and homework helpers in the packets.
almost 4 years ago, Mrs. Rausch
Who misses outdoor school?
almost 4 years ago, Joe DeWees
Good Times!
It's Friday! Have a lovely weekend Jewell Family.
almost 4 years ago, Shelly Alford
Good morning, Jewell! It is my pleasure to introduce Julie Weichal as our new MS/HS XC program coach. Congratulations, Coach Weichal!
almost 4 years ago, Mark Freeman
We’re thrilled to announce Jewell School District 8’s new app! Access sports scores, cafeteria menus, news updates, even emergency notifications. Download the app on Android: https://bit.ly/38v7BS3 or iPhone: https://apple.co/3etyVBf.
almost 4 years ago, Jon Wood
Everything Jewell
As of 12/01, we are tentatively scheduled to begin our mini basketball season for all MS and HS athletes on Thursday, 12/03. I emphasize tentatively! Please make sure your child is ready to start working out with their basketball peers this Thursday!
almost 4 years ago, Mark Freeman
Have a great Thanksgiving break Jewell. Express GRATITUDE for what you are thankful for!!
almost 4 years ago, Steve Phillips