Good morning, Jewell! MS/HS winter sports awards will be on March 18th at 6 pm in the auditorium. Refreshments will be available. Also, the next AD/Coach Coffee Hour is on March 20th at 5:30 in the library.
2 days ago, Mark Freeman
Good morning, Jewell! Literacy Night is on March 15th from 4-6. Trishanna and the PTO are burning the midnight oil in preparation. Hope you can all attend!
7 days ago, Mark Freeman
Good evening, Jewell! The high school T&F season will begin on Monday, March 3rd after school. Please make sure your athlete is signed up in FamilyID and has a current physical on file with the school. Coach Kaczenski, Coach Beatty, and Coach Steinweg are excited about the upcoming season and encourage anyone unsure if T&F is for them to give it a try!
21 days ago, Mark Freeman
Good afternoon, Jewell! If you find yourself with nothing to do tomorrow evening, January 28th, our little jays will be hosting Naselle for a basketball game at 6 pm. If you have nothing to do...swing on by tomorrow evening and support the little jays on the hardwood!
about 1 month ago, Mark Freeman
Good afternoon, Jewell! I hope you all had a fantastic holiday with family and loved ones. This is just a quick reminder that middle school girls' basketball and middle school wrestling will begin on Monday, January 6th, right after school! Coaches Blakley and Veit will lead the basketball team, and Coach Weichal will again work with the wrestlers. Please ensure you are signed up in FamilyID and have an active physical on file in the office. Please contact Christy in the office if you have any questions and go Jays!
2 months ago, Mark Freeman
Good afternoon, Jewell! One more reminder about the basketball opportunity after winter break for the little jays!
3 months ago, Mark Freeman
Good afternoon, Jewell! A 9-1 season for the MS BBX team. Congratulations, lads!
3 months ago, Mark Freeman
Congratulations to Miss Trinity for her recent 3rd place finish in her weight class in Warrenton!
3 months ago, Mark Freeman
Good afternoon, Jewell! It is time to celebrate the season and get a little spirit going on in the hallways!
3 months ago, Mark Freeman
My apologies for the late notice...but with school canceled for the day...our home MS BBX game scheduled for today has been canceled. I apologize for any inconvenience.
3 months ago, Mark Freeman
The annual HS Leadership Class giving tree shopping day is in the books. And a good one it was!
3 months ago, Mark Freeman
Good afternoon, Jewell! Coed hoops for the younger Jays will begin after the holidays. Happy Thanksgiving to you all!
4 months ago, Mark Freeman
Good afternoon, Jewell! It's a gobble-gobble kind of announcement.
4 months ago, Mark Freeman
Good afternoon, Jewell! If you need any winter sports apparel, please see the attached coupon for Dick's Sporting Goods. Also, an updated flyer for THE upcoming bingo event of the year is attached.
4 months ago, Mark Freeman
Good evening, Jewell! High school wrestling and girls basketball will begin practicing on Monday, November 18th right after school. Coach Beatty is the wrestling coach and Coach Steinweg is the basketball coach. Please make sure you have a valid OSAA physical on file in the front office and have registered with FamilyID. Be prepared to work hard and to represent Jewell with pride!
4 months ago, Mark Freeman
Good afternoon, Jewell! The Natal Grange food pantry will be open on November 13th from 12 to 3 if you and your family need assistance. Thank you, April!
4 months ago, Mark Freeman
Good morning Jewell families! Come join us on Friday, November 8, 2024 at 9:15 AM in the Jewell Auditorium for our annual Veteran's Day assembly. All veterans are invited to attend. There will be a performance, as well as refreshments, and displays. We look forward to seeing you there!
4 months ago, Abigail Hines
In honor of our veterans: Jewell School Veteran's Day Assembly
Good afternoon, Jewell! MS BBX begins on Monday, November 4th, right after school. Coach Veit and Coach Blakley are excited to start the season with the lads so please be registered with a valid physical and ready to work on Monday. Also, fall sports awards will be on Thursday, November 7th, at 6 p.m. in the auditorium. I hope to see you there.
4 months ago, Mark Freeman
We grew a little over 70 pumpkins in our patch this year!!! Every pre-k through 6th grader gets to bring one home. So many sizes and shapes and a lot of happy faces.
5 months ago, Martha Stephens
1st/2nd pick their pumpkins
5th and 6th graders pick their pumpkins
POTATO HARVEST!! A beautiful day paired with a full harvest. The Upper Class students, and our parent volunteer, Grant Gilmore, came out to help with the 1st/ 2nd grade gardening class. The kids got a little dirty (sorry) but it was well worth it! Potatoes are truly the most fun produce to harvest.
5 months ago, Martha Stephens
2nd grader picking potatoes
1st grader picking potatoes
2nd grader picking potatoes
Senior picking potatoes
Seniors helping the 1st/2nd pick potatoes
seniors helping the 1st/2nd graders harvest potatoes
Proud parent with 2nd grader
seniors helping the 1st/2nd graders harvest potatoes
1st graders harvesting potatoes
1st graders harvesting potatoes