Coach Steinweg will be hosting an open gym on Thursday, January 19th from 5:30-7:00. This is for all school and community members so please feel free to stop by for a workout.
about 2 years ago, Mark Freeman
The Natal Grange food pantry will be open this Wednesday, January 11th, from 12-3. Please plan to pay a visit if you are in need of some food assistance.
about 2 years ago, Mark Freeman
Coach Steinweg will be hosting an open gym on Thursday, January 12th from 5:30-7:00. This is for all school and community members so please feel free to stop by for a workout.
about 2 years ago, Mark Freeman
Good morning. Coach Veit and Coach Blakley look forward to the start of the MS GBX season which is Tuesday, January 3rd. Practice will be after school in the main gymnasium from 3:30-5:30. Please make sure your child is registered in FamilyID and has an active physical on file in the front office. Go Jays!
about 2 years ago, Mark Freeman
Good afternoon! The Natal Grange food pantry will be open on December 14th from 12-3. Please stop by and see April if you are in need of some food assistance.
about 2 years ago, Mark Freeman
Good morning! Please take a quick peek at the attached pictures. All clothes will be donated to Goodwill after Christmas Break.
about 2 years ago, Mark Freeman
lost clothing
lost clothing
lost clothing
Good afternoon. Due to high illness numbers in the school, the December 7th MS BBX game scheduled against Vernonia has been canceled. The movie night hosted by the senior class which was scheduled for December 8th has also been canceled.
about 2 years ago, Mark Freeman
Seniors are hosting a movie night this Thursday!
about 2 years ago, Shelly Alford
Senior Fundraiser!!!
December flashback! Jewell students worked hard to create this winter wonderland.
about 2 years ago, Terri Baier
Train 1
Train 2
Good morning. After communicating with Coach Steinweg more than once and conferring with Mr. Pederson, the plug has been pulled on our HS JV BBX game schedule. It was logistically impossible for us to commit to a schedule with any opponents. I'm sorry to share.
about 2 years ago, Mark Freeman
Good morning. Due to a shortage of officials, the MS BBX home game scheduled for Monday has been moved to Tuesday. I apologize for any inconvenience.
about 2 years ago, Mark Freeman
On Thursday, November 10th the MS Leadership Team is hosting a Nightmare Before Christmas dance for grades 6-8. The dance will take place in the MS/HS commons area from 6-8pm. Students will enter the building in front of the cafeteria. Costumes are encouraged, but they must meet our dress code policy. Please do not wear masks or hoodies that cover the face entirely. No blood, gore, or guts. No weapons of any kind, even if they are fake. No costumes that could be interpreted as racially insensitive, politically offensive, homophobic, sexist, or disableist.
about 2 years ago, Shelly Alford
School is canceled for October 31st, 2022 due to power outages.
about 2 years ago, Megan Ticer
Good Morning! We are on a two-hour delay this morning due to a power outage. We are working to district communication, so please stay tuned.
about 2 years ago, Megan Ticer
Fall sports awards will be held on November 17th at 6 pm in the small gymnasium.
about 2 years ago, Mark Freeman
Good morning. Middle school boys basketball practice will begin on Tuesday, November 1st after school with Coach Veit in the gymnasium. Please make sure you have an active physical on file at the school and that you are signed up in FamilyID. Time to get those gym shoes ready!
about 2 years ago, Mark Freeman
The MS FB game scheduled today in Vernonia has been canceled. An attempt to reschedule is underway. I apologize for any inconvenience.
about 2 years ago, Mark Freeman
Good morning. The HS VB match scheduled for October 17th at Livingstone has been canceled. I apologize for any inconvenience.
over 2 years ago, Mark Freeman
Good morning. The MS VB match scheduled for October 10th has been canceled. I apologize for any inconvenience.
over 2 years ago, Mark Freeman
Dear Jewell Community, It is with profound sadness that I write this letter to let you know that one of our school staff members has lost their child unexpectedly on Saturday, October 8. Although this individual was not a student within our school, they were very much a part of our community. Our sincere condolences and thoughts go out to the family. The Jewell community is unique in that it is small and very close to one another, that losing a member of our youth has a great impact. During this time as the school community processes the tragic news and copes with grief, the Jewell School District will offer counseling and bereavement support services to all of our students, staff, and community should they need this support. A close death is a difficult and challenging situation that can generate a high level of anxiety and distress for some students. If you feel that your children, or even yourself, are having difficulty, we encourage you to discuss your/their thoughts and feelings to help work through any grief, or concerns. Please also consider monitoring your childrens’ communications (social media, phone, e-mails, text messages) to further analyze any potential need for help and guidance. If you feel that your children, or yourself, need to speak to a counselor or other caring adult, please do not hesitate to call our school and let us know. We will have counselors on-site to speak with on Monday, October 10. This is a difficult time for everyone, but I know our students and staff will lean on each other with love and support. If you have questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me, or your school principal. Sincerely, Cory Pederson Jewell School District No. 8 Interim-Superintendent
over 2 years ago, Cory Pederson