Parent Information



For information regarding district transportation please click the links below:

2023-24 Bus Route Information

Synergy ParentVUE


The ParentVUE website allows you to access your middle school or high school child’s current schedule, grades, and attendance. Please contact the front office if you need assistance with logging in or have forgotten your access code. You can access this site by clicking the link below:

Synergy ParentVUE

Oregon CIS Logo

Career Information System (CIS)

This link will take you to an overview of careers, how to get the education and training to get there, as well as the wages and future outlook for openings in that field. Students have created a portfolio and login for themselves and have taken some of the assessments about their sills and interests.

High school log in:
User Name: Jewellschool
Password: Bluejays123

Middle School log in:
User Name: Jewelljr
Password: Bluejays123